Imago Augusti. Due nuovi ritratti di Augusto da Roma e Isernia. Exhibition Accessibility Routes

For an exhibition be accessible, it must be used by everyone at the same time. For this reason, thanks for the presence of the QR CODE, it is possible to choose to read, listen or see - by means of the videos with translation in LIS and the videos subtitled in English with special characters for dislexic people - all the texts on the panels displayed and also to enjoy, with the senses you prefer, an immersive theatre conversation between the two Augusto's in the "theatre hall".

Admission to the exhibition is free for people with disabilities and an accompanying person.



[click the map to enlarge]


Videos subtitled in English with special characters for dyslexic people

Imago Augusti | #1 Introduction [EN]

Imago Augusti | #2 Introductory panel – Concept [EN]

Imago Augusti | #3 Isernia: the discovery of the Portrait of Augustus [EN]

Imago Augusti | #4 Rome: the discovery of the Portrait of Octavian Augustus [EN]

Imago Augusti | #5 Rome: The Portrait of Octavian from Via Alessandrina [EN]

Imago Augusti | #6 Isernia: The Portrait of Augustus from Via Occidentale [EN]

Imago Augusti | #7 The restoration of Portraits from Rome and Isernia [EN]

Video with translation in LIS

Imago Augusti | Augusto allo specchio [Video LIS]

Imago Augusti | Introduzione [Video LIS]

Imago Augusti | Concept [Video LIS]

Imago Augusti | La scoperta del Ritratto di Augusto di Isernia [Video LIS]

Imago Augusti | La scoperta del ritratto di Ottaviano Augusto di via Alessandrina [Video LIS]

Imago Augusti | Il ritratto di Ottaviano Augusto di via Alessandrina [Video LIS]

Imago Augusti | Il ritratto di Augusto da via Occidentale [Video LIS]

Imago Augusti | Il restauro dei ritratti di Isernia e di Roma [Video LIS]