Umberto Passeretti, un presente antichissimo

An exhibition dedicated to Umberto Passeretti, a contemporary painter dealing with Roman classicism and a general memory of the past.
From 1985 Umberto Passeretti, a contemporary painter, deals with Roman classicism and in general with the memory of the past. For this reason, a symbolic place of “Roman identity” like Mercati di Traiano Museo dei Fori Imperiali appears like the best place to host twenty of his works of art in the Big hall of the Museum. During the exhibition curated by Gabriele Simongini, the Roman artist made a gift for this extraordinary place taking as a main subject of his picture a “Prison”. The works of art (oils, tempera but also acrilycs) are part of the collection “Anatomia del panneggio”. In his works of art the admirable sculptural exhibit of the past turned into picture with the clear predominance of the main subject, moved by a new life and aimed at a new beginning
From 1st december 2015 to 4th april 2016
Every day from 9.30 a.m to 7.30 p.m
The ticket office closes one hour before
25th dicember, 1st january: closed
N.B For special openings and/or closures, please visit the notice page
Every first Sunday of the month free admission, except for the Ara Pacis new exhibition space, for residents in Rome and in the metropolitan city area.
Normal ticket (including the exhibition "Umberto Passeretti, un presente antichissimo 1.12.15-4.4.16"):
Normal ticket € 11,50
Reduced ticket € 9,50
Free tickets for people belonging to special categories
For residents in Rome Municipality (by the exhibition of a valid document certifiyng their residence)
Normal ticket € 9,50
Reduced ticket € 7,50
Tickets can also be purchased with a credit card and ATM
Concessions and free admission
Online tickets
The printed receipt entitles you to jump the queue at the ticket office and quickly pick up your ticket.
In Italian, English, French, German, Spanish: € 4,00.
Tel. +39 060608 (daily from 9.00 am to 9.00 pm)
Assessorato alla Cultura e allo Sport Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali
With the cooperation of
MasterCard Priceless Rome
Museum services
Zètema Progetto Cultura
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