Love and Psyche: Apuleio's “bella fabella”

18/10 - 15/11/2008
Mercati di Traiano Museo dei Fori Imperiali

At 5 p.m. on Saturday 18 & 25 October and 8 & 15 November Trajan's Markets are the venue for a guided tour with a selection of readings from Apuleio's “bella fabella” (beautiful fairytale) Love and Psyche. The event is the first of several educational activities to promote and develop art and culture amongst the disabled, and in particular those with impaired or no vision, within the ambit of the City of Rome's Civic Museums.

The project is the fruit of a collaborative venture between the Council's Superintendency, the non-profit Association of Museum Volunteers, the Friends of the Museum of Rome Association and Zètema Progetto Cultura.

The evocative setting for the event is the “taberna” that overlooks the Great Hall of the Markets, that will hold an audience of a maximum of 20 people, (vision impaired and other disabled people). Participation is free of charge and must be pre-booked. A video projector is to be used to show images that reflect the theme of the event and photocopies in braille will be provided for the vision-impaired.

Text amendment
Isabella Martelli

Mimmo Valente

Personaggi e interpreti
Germano Carella
Stefania di Giuseppe
Pino di Persio
Francesca Inglese
Isabelle Martelli
Lucia Micocci
Lena Gobbi Russo

Sergio Marini


Mercati di Traiano Museo dei Fori Imperiali
Opening hours

ore 17.00

Entrance ticket

Free admission by reservation (max 20 people - blind) to 060,608


060608 (every day 9.00am - 10.30pm)

Web site
Associazione di Volontariato Museum O.N.L.U.S
Dom, Lun, Mar, Mer, Gio, Ven

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